Friday Five: Hither and Yon

3dogmom writes:

After traveling through 13 states to arrive at 6 distinct destinations over the last five weeks, I am road-weary, and ready to be home for a good, long stretch. Weariness notwithstanding, they were all good trips that included wonderful scenery, with introductions and reconnections with people and places. Ahhh. The sojourning inspires today’s Friday Five.

Share with us:

1) a favorite city, and what makes it so.

My top favorite city is and always will be San Francisco. Sure, there are other cities that I enjoy – London, New York, Sydney, Paris, Chicago, etc. – but my one and only city love is San Francisco. I had the privilege (and challenge) of living there for 15 years. I grew into myself there, I made life-long connections there. It’s beautiful, diverse, has amazing food, and it’s where all the loves of my life reside.

2) a favorite getaway spot, far from the maddening crowd (far being a relative term).

Anywhere with a view of the ocean. I can drive about 5 hours and be in either San Diego or the LA area. Tack on another 2ish hours and I can be in Santa Barbara. I find that just the sight of the ocean calms me. When I’ve got less time, I head up north to the mountains here in AZ and catch the calm of the breeze through the pine trees. Works in a pinch.

3) a great local eatery that you stumbled upon while passing through from one place to another.

In general, I avoid chain restaurants at all costs, both at home and on the road. When I was in Dublin, I found this amazing spot for shwarma and I pretty much ate nothing but the entire time I was there. In fact, I had to rush out and grab fish & chips late the night before I left so I could do something local. I also ate probably the best Indian food of my life at a gas station in El Doret, Kenya while on the road from Nairobi to Bungoma. Of course, I had to eat at the Old Navy café in Paris. Was treated to some amazing local spots in Egypt and Australia by some awesome and knowledgeable tour guides. I’m kind of a food person. Can you tell?

4) a landscape that inspires or nourishes you.

I’ve always found desert landscape nourishing because it’s where I grew up. It’s comforting and grounding. I like to go on what I call “noticing walks” where I go very slowly and take in the I’ve always found desert landscape nourishing because it’s where I grew up. It’s comforting and grounding. details of the nature around me – the colors in rocks, the shapes of things, the scents of flowers, etc. We’ve had an actual spring here in AZ and I’ve had more opportunities to walk outside than I have in years past. I’ve always found desert landscape nourishing because it’s where I grew up. It’s comforting and grounding.

5) a place you long to visit.

I have a serious case of the Wanderlust and that combined with a generous vacation policy in my job means I long to visit ALL THE PLACES. Currently, I’m obsessed with Spain and Italy, and also returning to Egypt. Hopefully one or more of those will happen in the next year.