Friday Five: Transitions – Accentuate the Positive

'Gerrebacken 37, Gothenburg' photo (c) 2011, Niklas Hellerstedt - license:

Deb writes:

Many of us are nearing (or in) a time of transition. Either in between Calls, waiting for the next Call, moving to the Academy or another kind of work entirely.

This time of transition can be scary, lonely, frustrating and busier than we ever thought possible! If the time is protracted, it can be a bit soul-sucking too (which is a very hard place to be).

So with that in mind, this week’s Friday Five is all about that time called “the in-betweens.” Thanks to the Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer song, ACCENtuate the Positive, here’s our FIVE:


1. “ACCEN-tuate the positive…” begins the song. Tell us something that makes (or has made) your time of transition a good thing.

While I’m not currently in what could be considered transition, one could argue that we are always in transition, whether we know it or not. I’ve been thinking a lot about how we handle transition and I think the thing that makes transition positive for me is lack of resistance. I’ve found that when I resist, I am inflexible and can experience more trauma when I don’t move with what is going on. When I let go of resistance I’m open to receiving what the transition has to teach me.

2. “ELIM-inate the negative…” (yes, that’s the next phrase!) Share with us a pro-active step you are making (or have made) in times of transition to make things less stressful.

I have to really harness my thoughts. I can spiral into obsessive craziness pretty quickly, so I have to be mindful of that. Yoga helps, as does spending time with supportive people.

3. “LATCH ON to the affirmative…” What’s ahead? Even if the future is a bit hazy, what joy or learning has come your way from your previous position?

My previous position was really difficult and stressful, but I learned a great deal from it. I learned a lot about boundaries, communication, career development and even more about identifying toxic people.

4. “But don’t mess with Mr. In-Between…”  Many of us are in that space of “in-between”. Or we remember it all too well! How are you caring for yourself in the uncertain times (or have done so in the past?)

Uncertainty makes my ass twitch. I hate it as much as everyone else. My brain works in future possibilities, so I go all over the place with what could happen, mostly with good things. I’ll sometimes get attached to a vision of the future, just to give myself the illusion of certainty, but then I have to remember that is merely a conjuring and I have to once again be willing to be open to what is actually coming.

5. “Have faith, or pandemonium’s liable to walk upon the scene.” In the  “Faith – to – Pandemonium”spectrum, where are you? What peeks of joy do you see through the clouds of crazy, even the upheaval?

I have been through enough life with God that I know that God always has way better things in mind for me than anything I can ask or imagine. I have moments where I can veer toward pandemonium, but I usually swing back to faith. I have a lot of reason to trust.


From Deb: I am in transition myself right now, having just finished up at one Call and starting a new one…. I’ll check in with your responses later today. Be sure to leave your link to your post below so that we can visit. You never know how your struggles and learning will encourage and bless someone else.