Brimstone & Bon Jovi

Last night Colucci and I went to Bon Jovi in San Jose. As we were walking toward the HP Pavilion (which is not an actual pavilion, by the way), there was a dude at one of the intersections standing on a step ladder and speaking into a microphone, holding a small boom-box-sized speaker. He opened with “be careful crossing the street,” which seemed harmless enough. He went on to say that “160,000 people die every day and the Bible has something to say about that.” Ugh. Here we go. That had to be the longest light I’ve ever encountered. He kept going on and on about the need to repent and that if we didn’t we’d die and go to hell. Someone shouted at him, “What about grace?” He got to that eventually, but not before there was some good old fire & brimstone shouting.

After the light changed and we all moved across the street, I heard some of the conversation. Most of it was mocking, laughing at them, one person was asking if they were Mormon or “born again”. Then we got across the street and there were more of them, holding signs, yelling at us about how concerned they were for our souls.

The most interesting thing for me was my own reaction, and it was strong and visceral and angry. I was so upset that these people claimed to be representing me and my faith and that they were going about it in such a negative, ass-backward way. I wanted badly to get in their faces, tell them to go home and shut up. I was humiliated. When I tell people I’m a follower of Jesus, that’s what I have to overcome. They don’t speak for me, or  the God that I know. They are misrepresenting the very essence of my faith and of who I am and I take it personally because I see it as very personal.

It’s so much easier to stand on a corner and shout at people than it is to do the real work of Christianity – to be formed, to serve, to help, to love. The way I see it, their form of religion is a lazy cop-out that is only about them feeling good about themselves for delivering some twisted version of the message of the gospel. Yeah, I’m judging them, because I judge myself by that same standard. They’re wrong and they’re going to answer for it.

Friday Five: Happy Lent!

Each year you give us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery with mind and heart renewed. You give us a spirit of loving reverence for you, our [Mother]/Father, and of willing service to our neighbor. As we recall the great events that gave us new life in Christ, you bring the image of your Son to perfection within us…. (First Preface for Lent, Roman Missal)

1. Did you celebrate Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday this year? Any memories of memorable celebrations past?

I celebrated Fat Tuesday this year having a lovely dinner at Poggio in Sausalito with a dear friend who is giving up eating out for Lent. This was her last hurrah and I was privileged to spend it with her. The gnocchi was other-worldly. It was made from yukon gold potatoes and it was so light it melted in the mouth. Unreal. We couldn’t speak.

2. How about Ash Wednesday, past and/or present?

I didn’t do anything this year except be internally mindful. I usually attend a service but as I’m not on a church staff this year, I took it as an opportunity to have my own observance. It was lovely.

3. Does your denomination or congregation celebrate “this joyful season”? Any special emphases or practices to share?

I’m part of a PC(USA) church and we do observe/celebrate Lent. There’s another local congregation with whom we celebrate and swap locations for Ash Wednesday & Holy Week services. It’s always a good service with readings, hymns, communion and ashes.

4. Do you have a personal plan of give-ups, take-ons, special ministries, and/or a special focus for your own spiritual growth between now and Easter?

I do indeed. I usually do some sort of observance and the last few years it has been incorporating a practice. This year I’m returning to a giving up mode. I am giving up two particular comfort foods because I have been using them as a crutch more than usual over the last few months and I need to deal honestly with myself. It takes about 6 weeks to form a habit, and I hope that this time will form a habit of helping me move forward with some things I need to process and relinquish. Also, I’m hoping it will accelerate my weight loss which is coming along quite nicely, thanks for asking.

5. What is your dream for the image of Christ coming to perfection in you, the church, the world? How can we support you in prayer?

I’d love to continue to realize my identity of a person who nurtures other people toward their goals, whatever they be, whether spiritual, career or personal. I’d love to see the church be more active in the world by giving people help and the instructions and resources they need to help themselves. I’d appreciate prayers for healing some of my brokenness that would prevent me from realizing my passion to help others develop.

Keep Your Distance

I’m a person who loves LOVES space. Lots of space. I have serious personal space issues and close-talkers get warned. I step back a few times and when they edge closer, I tell them that I need them to move back. When people stand really close to me in line at the grocery store, I adjust my posture and turn sideways so they take the hint and when they don’t I ask them to step back. I need space. Maybe there’s a deeper meaning to this, maybe not. I am certainly not into free disclosure. I do not share personal stuff easily. I am the queen of boundaries when it comes to emotional intimacy.

I need gym distance, too. I’m a member of the MOST AWESOME GYM EVER and they have a location close to my work, but I choose the location near my old office where I know everyone and where it’s not super crowded. I tried a pilates class at the closer location and, no lie, everyone’s mats were maybe MAYBE 4 inches apart. No bueno. I was totally uncomfortable. Good class, liked the instructor, but dude. I need space.

Another space place for me is the beach. Don’t you hate it when you’re at the beach, there’s a lot of open sand available and someone comes and camps out not 2 feet away? What is that about? Beach distance, people!

The movies. You’re in the movies, it’s not crowded (when it is, I’m not bothered by this, for some reason), and people come and sit right next to you or right in front of you. REALLY?

I need space. I’m just saying.

Friday Five: Staving off the Gloom

Sally writes:

Candlemass is past, and Christmas is well and truly over, here in the UK February looks set to be its usual grey and cold self.  Signs of spring are yet to emerge; if like me you long for them perhaps you need ways to get through these long dark days.  So lets share a few tips for a cold and rainy/ snowy day….

Introductory thoughts: Where I live, it’s not all that gloomy. It could be the pharmaceuticals, but I’m pretty happy most of the time. We’ve had the rain lately, but fortunately I don’t have to deal with life-altering weather all that often. Things have started to bloom here and I come from a place where it’s even less rain and spring has already sprung. That said, here’s my play for today.

1. Exercise, what do you do if you can’t face getting out into the cold and damp?

I’m a regular gym-goer b/c I need physical activity to keep my mood up and to help wear me out b/c I have sleep issues. There are times when I can’t be motivated, though, and those times I tell myself I’ll do something at home and then I watch a lot of TV. When the weather is nicer, I take advantage of my proximity to Golden Gate Park and do a nice long walk in the botanical gardens.

2. Food; time to comfort eat, or time to prepare your body for the coming spring/summer?

As an emotional eater, it’s always time to comfort eat. I’m trying to find recipes that warm & comfort but also are low in calories & prepare me for warmer weather. I’m a huge fan of Cooking Light and Weight Watchers recipe collections.

3. Brainpower; do you like me need to stave off depression, if so how do you do it?

My brain is always going. It’s the most exercised muscle (besides my tongue) that I have. When I’m trying to stave off difficult emotions I rely heavily on the “T” of my INTJ Meyers-Briggs to talk myself down from the ledge. I am fortunate to be of the disposition to be able a big-picture thinker and see all sides of an issue. It really helps when I need to get through difficulties or conflicts.

4. How about a story that lifts your spirits, is there a book or film that you return to to stave off the gloom?

All the films I love to watch center on strong women who’ve made it through difficult circumstances and come out on top. My go-to classics are Out of Africa, Funny Girl & Sound of Music. When I need some brain candy, it’s Kissing Jessica Stein or Legally Blonde.

5. Looking forward, do you have a favourite spring flower/ is there something that says spring is here more than anything else?

I don’t know anything about nature, but my birth month flower is the sweet pea, and I do love those. I’m just a HUGE fan of flowers in general. As previously mentioned, I love walking through the park and seeing all the unique floral expressions in nature. Can’t wait for all of them to come bursting forth!